Name of Media:
Level 3 Paediatric Intensive Care
NHS England
Publisher or Source:
NHS England
Type of Media:
Medical Professional Education
Media Originally for:
Critical Care Physicians
Country of Origin:
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
Primary Focus of Media:
Pre-Use of PICS Designation
COVID-19 Related:
Paediatric Critical Care (PCC) services look after children and young people whose conditions are life-threatening and need constant close monitoring and support from equipment and medication to restore and/or maintain normal body functions. The definitions of the full range of Paediatric Critical Care is provided below.
This specification specifically covers care provided in Level 3 Paediatric Critical Care (PCC) units previously known as PICUs, (Paediatric Intensive Care Units) which are usually located in tertiary centres or specialist hospitals which provide all 3 levels of PCC. However PCC level 3 units will care for patients across the whole range of PCC levels 1 – 3.
PCC level 3 units provide ca re for children requiring intensive care and monitoring, including medically unstable patients requiring intubation or ventilation, single or multi-organ support, and continuous or intensive medical or nursing supervision. PCC level 3 units also provides routine planned post-operative care for surgical procedures, or during some planned medical admissions.
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