Name of Media:
The use of risk predictions to identify candidates for intermediate care units: implications for intensive care utilization and cost
Zimmerman J E, Wagner D P, Knaus W A, Williams J F, Kolakowski D, Draper E A
Publisher or Source:
University of York- the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
Type of Media:
Medical Journal
Media Originally for:
Critical Care Physicians
Country of Origin:
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
Primary Focus of Media:
Pre-Use of PICS Designation
COVID-19 Related:
Record Status
This is a critical abstract of an economic evaluation that meets the criteria for inclusion on NHS EED. Each abstract contains a brief summary of the methods, the results and conclusions followed by a detailed critical assessment on the reliability of the study and the conclusions drawn.
Health technology
Predictive logistic equation of risk of active treatment using an acute physiology and chronic health evaluation (APACHE II and III) prognostic system for allocation to an intermediate care unit as opposed to intensive care unit (ICU) by monitoring patients with low risk of requiring life supporting treatment.
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