Name of Media:
The seven signs that you may have ‘long Covid’
Sian Elvin
Publisher or Source:
Type of Media:
Newspaper Article
Media Originally for:
General Public
Country of Origin:
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
Primary Focus of Media:
Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS)
COVID-19 Related:
At the start of 2020, coronavirus was still a relatively new illness with little knowledge around it. With still much to learn about the virus, new information is being revealed all the time – and in recent weeks it has come to light that symptoms could last much longer than first thought, in a phenomenon called ‘long Covid’. A recent study found almost three quarters of patients admitted to hospital with the virus still have ongoing symptoms three months later. And following concerns the numbers of people suffering with long Covid may surge over the winter, it was reported yesterday how a man died from long-term symptoms despite being discharged from intensive care three months ago.
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