Name of Media:
Personalized recovery of severe COVID19: Rehabilitation from the perspective of patient needs
bij de Vaate, E., Gerrits, K. H. L., Goossens, P. H.
Publisher or Source:
Wiley Editorial
Type of Media:
Medical Journal
Media Originally for:
Critical Care Physicians, General Medical Professionals
Country of Origin:
Primary Focus of Media:
Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS)
COVID-19 Related:
After long-term hospitalization or ICU treatment, COVID-
19 patients are severe functionally impaired. They experience not only physical weakness but may also suffer from problems on the pulmonary, physical, psychosocial and cognitive domain. These domains interact, and the impact on participation varies between patients. Therefore, aftercare should be customized to the patient individual needs. In this article, we present a patient-centred model to tailor treatment in the view of the Dutch healthcare system. This model can be helpful to determine the appropriate treatment for each patient at the
right time in the right setting.
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