Name of Media:
My Patients Will Not Be the Same. None of Us Will.
Daniela J. Lamas, Dr.
Publisher or Source:
The New York Times
Type of Media:
Newspaper Article
Media Originally for:
General Public
Country of Origin:
United States of America (the)
Primary Focus of Media:
Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS)
COVID-19 Related:
As soon as I see the name on my phone, it all comes back to me.
I remember the nights we spent outside his hospital room, adjusting his ventilator settings. I remember the anxious call to his family when he started to bleed into his lungs, and we did not know if he would make it. I can still picture the guide to Islamic end-of-life rituals that his nurses passed from shift to shift, the way it grew dog-eared and tattered.
Somehow, my patient survived Covid-19. He saw his son off to college. He was even able to return to work part-time as the manager of the liquor store near his home. In a way, his life is back to normal. But he is still haunted by the delirious hallucinations that make him feel as if he’s still in the intensive care unit. They’re his only memories of the experience.
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