Name of Media:
E-cigarette, or vaping, product use associated lung injury (EVALI): case series and diagnostic approach
Aleksandr Kalininskiy , Christina T Bach, Nicholas E Nacca , Gary Ginsberg , Jeanna Marraffa, Kristen A Navarette , Matthew D McGraw , Daniel P Croft
Publisher or Source:
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine
Type of Media:
Medical Journal
Media Originally for:
Critical Care Physicians, Nurses and/or Other Critical Care Medical Professionals
Country of Origin:
United States
Primary Focus of Media:
Pre-Use of PICS Designation
COVID-19 Related:
Since June, 2019, more than 1000 new cases of e-cigarette, or vaping, product use associated lung injury (EVALI) have been reported in the USA. Patients presented with dyspnoea, cough, and were found to be hypoxaemic with bilateral airspace opacities on chest imaging. Most patients required management in the intensive care unit and steroid therapy. All patients recovered with cessation of vaping, supportive care, and steroid therapy and remained symptom free at follow up. E-cigarette use continues to rapidly escalate in the USA, particularly among youth.
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