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Name of Media:

After the ICU


Atlantic Health System

Publisher or Source:

Atlantic Health System

Type of Media:

Medical Journal

Media Originally for:

Former ICU Patients or Their Caregivers

Country of Origin:

United States

Primary Focus of Media:


COVID-19 Related:



This After the ICU booklet is intended to be used by former ICU patients and their family/caregiver to help find the health care services and community resources
that may be helpful during recovery from critical illness. Specifically, this booklet was created to provide information and resources related to Post-Intensive
Care Syndrome (PICS). While PICS and PICS-F can be common after a critical illness, you may not experience all or any of these symptoms. PICS is defined as new or worsening physical, cognitive and emotional health problems that remain after a critical illness. Family members and caregivers of former ICU patients can
also experience emotional and psychological health problems such as anxiety, depression and posttraumatic stress disorder. This is referred to as PICS-F. Our hope is to raise awareness about PICS and PICS-F and provide resources for those who are experiencing these symptoms. If you or your family/caregiver are having difficulty, we want you to know that you are not alone and that help is available.

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