Name of Media:
6 Potential Long-Term Effects of COVID-19
Sarah Ellis
Publisher or Source:
Type of Media:
Newspaper Article
Media Originally for:
General Public
Country of Origin:
United States of America (the)
Primary Focus of Media:
Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS)
COVID-19 Related:
One great thing modern medicine has given us is the ability to study and record the effects of different diseases in human beings. For the most part, doctors can tell patients what to expect and how to take care of themselves after a new diagnosis, whether it’s a viral infection or an autoimmune disease. But the coronavirus is a brand-new pathogen, and everyone has a lot of questions about it.
As 2020 drags on, experts are learning more about the way COVID-19 affects people – both in the first few weeks and months after their initial diagnosis. And there’s still so much to be discovered. “We are still in the learning phase of this disease,” says Rashid Chotani, M.D., Vice President of Medical Affairs at CareLife Medical in Fairfax, VA. “However, as the disease spreads across the globe, we have observed that the infectivity, symptoms, and severity of COVID-19 varies.”
Essentially, COVID-19 infection looks different for different people, and it’s impossible to predict how your body might react. But here’s what to look out for based on available data, and what you can do to stay safe and healthy.
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