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Name of Media:

Survival, Quality of Life, and Functional Status Following Prolonged ICU Stay in Cardiac Surgical Patients: A Systematic Review.


Trivedi, Vatsal MD; Bleeker, Helena MD; Kantor, Navot MD; Visintini, Sarah MLIS; McIsaac, Daniel I. MD, MPH, FRCPC; McDonald, Bernard MD, PhD, FRCPC

Publisher or Source:

Critical Care Medicine

Type of Media:

Medical Journal

Media Originally for:

Critical Care Physicians,Nurses and/or Other Critical Care Medical Professionals

Country of Origin:


Primary Focus of Media:

Pre-Use of PICS Designation

COVID-19 Related:



Objectives: Compared with noncardiac critical illness, critically ill postoperative cardiac surgical patients have different underlying pathophysiologies, are exposed to different processes of care, and thus may experience different outcome trajectories. Our objective was to systematically review the outcomes of cardiac surgical patients requiring prolonged intensive care with respect to survival, residential status, functional recovery, and quality of life in both hospital and long-term follow-up.

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