Name of Media:
Estimating Long-Term Survival of Critically Ill Patients: The PREDICT Model
Kwok M. Ho , Matthew Knuiman, Judith Finn,Steven A. Webb
Publisher or Source:
Type of Media:
Medical Journal
Media Originally for:
General Public
Country of Origin:
United States
Primary Focus of Media:
Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS)
COVID-19 Related:
Demand for intensive care unit (ICU) services is increasing [1], and at a rate that is higher than the average for all health care services [2]. Increase in treatment and monitoring technology, patients' expectations, and ageing population all contribute to this increased demand for intensive care services [1]. Indeed, intensive care is increasingly being provided to older and sicker patients, whom in the past were not treated in intensive care [3]. Intensive care services accounted for 10% of the US$2.1 trillion total health expenditures on health care in the United States in 2006 [4] and has been estimated to cost more than £700 million in the United Kingdom in 1999 [5]. The cost of intensive care services coupled with increasing demand provides the rationale for improved modelling of outcomes of critically ill patients.
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