Name of Media:
CAM-ICU Picture Cards
(CIBS) Center and Vanderbilt University
Publisher or Source:
(CIBS) Center and Vanderbilt University
Type of Media:
Media Originally for:
Critical Care Physicians, General Medical Professionals, Nurses and/or Other Critical Care Medical Professionals
Country of Origin:
United States
Primary Focus of Media:
Pre-Use of PICS Designation
COVID-19 Related:
With the CAM-ICU, Inattention is evaluated with either a Letters (auditory) test or a Pictures (visual) test. Either test can be used to test for attention. The Letters test is the SAVEAHAART described in the training manual. The Pictures test uses premade picture packets. We have created a Power Point file to make it easier to reproduce the picture packet. Below is a link to the Power Point files. There are two sets of picture packets (Set A and Set B). However, only one packet is needed per assessment.
To view the attached Video media file, Click Icon:
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