Name of Media:
After a Hospital Stay for Covid, Patients May Face Months of Rehabilitation
Anahad O’Connor
Publisher or Source:
The New York Times
Type of Media:
Newspaper Article
Media Originally for:
General Public,General Medical Professionals
Country of Origin:
United States of America (the)
Primary Focus of Media:
Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS)
COVID-19 Related:
Not long ago, Allen Washington was a busy executive who traveled the country on business trips while trying to stay healthy and active, walking up to two miles a day for exercise.
But that came to an end when he developed Covid-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, in June. Mr. Washington spent three weeks lying in a hospital bed in a medically induced coma. When he woke up, he discovered his body had deteriorated. He had bedsores and was too weak to walk or stand. He had nerve damage in his legs, neck and shoulders. He suffered from memory loss and kidney failure.
While he survived Covid-19, Mr. Washington, 60, is now grappling with the aftermath of the disease. To regain his strength and motor skills, he undergoes physical and occupational therapy at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab in Chicago, which specializes in helping people who have been debilitated by Covid-19 and other illnesses. Since leaving the hospital, he has had to relearn simple tasks that became too difficult because of his memory loss and muscle weakness, like walking up stairs, tying his shoes and getting dressed in the morning.
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